This dice gives you some extra lighting when you pick up things. When you squeeze the tweezers gently, the LEDs on both sides will light up, making it easy to pick up small things. Moreover, since it is made of an impact-resistant polycarbonate material, there is no need to worry about rust and it is not easily damaged.

Priced at $24.95

Personality lamps: taste metallic luster (Photos) Danish lighting: aestheticism under unlimited creativity (Photos) Colorful lamps: like a doll pinched in the hand (Photos) Quaint lighting: infiltrating antique style (Photos) Top chandelier: the light pours around (Photos) Disposable chandelier: let the waste become baby (Photos) Simple lighting: simple and revealing temperament (Photos) Amazing lamps: stunning beauty (Photos)


Horizontal Radiator

Most of the Aparted Genset Applications are containerized (40" HC Containers); correspondingly suitable cooling solutions are required

The horizontal radiators manufactured are used by GUOHUA extensively throughout the world to provide cooling for diesel engines where you need low sound level.

It`s very popular on roof implementations and where the height restrictions and noise restrictions required.

Horizontal Remote Radiator,Aparted Design Radiator,Horizontal Radiator for Engine Gensets,Horizontal Radiator

Jinan Guohua Green Power Equipment Co.,Ltd. ,